Psychology A Level

About the subject
Psychology is the study of the human mind looking at its complexities and contradictions using various research methods but questioning if information was gathered ethically. Psychology can be an excellent subject to study alongside both science and humanities subjects. It develops skills such as analysis, evaluation, numeracy and literacy. A Level Psychology is a course which provides the opportunity to develop an understanding of behaviour including ethological studies where human behaviour is analysed alongside animal behaviour.

What will you study?
We follow the AQA Specification.
In Year 1 you will study:
Social Influence, Memory, Attachment, Approaches, Psychopathology and Research Methods.
Year 2 builds upon the topics previously studied but also includes:
Issues and Debates, Relationships, Schizophrenia, Forensic Psychology and Addition.

Where does it lead?
Psychology is offered by all universities, either as a single subject or in combination with other subjects. Career opportunities include clinical psychology, offender profiling, educational psychology, occupational psychology, sports psychology, probation officers, teaching, advertising, and jobs in human resource management.

Entry requirements: Five 4-9 grades at GCSE, including English Language, maths and a grade 6 or above in two sciences.

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